Monday 23 May 2011

A Few Tips

These are extracts from the Girl's Book How To Be The Best At Everything (C). But anyone can use them. So anyway...
  • Make sure the lights in your house have energy-saving bulbs. Always turn off any lights that aren't needed.
  • Turn off your games console, TV, DVD, stereo, video player and things like that completely when you're not using them. if the red stand-by light is on it is still using electricity.
  • Make sure your family recycles anything possible. Newspapers, glass, cans, old clothing, cardboard, plastic containers and paper should all be recycled.
  • Don't throw away toys, books or CDs you don't want anymore. Take them to you local charity shops.
  • Re-use things whenever possible. For example, take along old plastic bags next time you go to the supermarket. Tea lights in old jam jars make magical lights for your garden when you are hosting a barbeque.
  • Save water. Don't run the taps while you are cleaning your teeth. This is wasteful. Fill a glass with water to rinse your mouth. Get your parents to buy a water butt to collect rainwater in. Use this to water the plants instead of a hose.
  • If you feel cold, put on a jumper. Don't turn the heating up.
Use these tips and save the planet!


Welcome to the blog of...of...of something- sorry, the blog of the environment. Anyway, this blog is about the effects of global warming, how you can stop it and why and also it is a test blog in a way. If this goes well I'll make a blog about something else.
I actually created this blog for school, it was one of my summer term targets. Just thought I'd point it out.
So enjoy the world of the environment- hang on, that doesn't make any sense! Let me re-phrase that. Enjoy the world of...anti-global warming? Leaves? Plants and animals? Oh well, it'll come to me soon enough. For now, bye....